Making Changes is now more than just me, it’s Ali Plowright, Abigail Plowright and Claire Plowright
Ali Plowright has been working with individuals and groups for over 20 years, and now both her daughters are working therapeutically, in different modalities. Claire Plowright in Massage, and Abigail Plowright working with children and parents as well as individuals.
Ali’s interest comes from a deep desire to understand what being Human really means. How relationships, in many contexts, work and how our early experience of life shapes us, or not! Her own journey through life has had many ups and downs and she uses that knowledge, wisdom, intuition and learned skills to enable others to make a difference to their lives, both corporately and therapeutically.
Its difficult to say exactly what Ali does…. you could say she’s a psychotherapist, a coach or a facilitator and she is all of those and much, much more! She asks difficult questions and then offers support while you find and manage the tricky answers… Ali brings an outside approach, a creative thinking partner, an independent ear, fresh insight…. Ali supports many people in many contexts and works both face to face and over the telephone.
Ali’s life began in a family of seven children and at a very early age she realised that she was an observer and a searcher. She observed language, actions and relationships and searched for meaning and sense. What she found didn’t make a lot of sense at all until she began her own therapy and ultimately her training which led her to work with others.
Ali has a private practice in Derbyshire and East Yorkshire and also works throughout the UK and overseas. Ali works on a 1 2 1 basis, facilitates and runs workshops. The focus of sessions is always to bring understanding through honesty, self-discovery and self-leadership.
Ali’s young life was centred around a family business and she grew up understanding the benefits and the stresses that that brought. She has had involvement at Board level with two fast growing companies and understands the need for support, cohesion, congruence and acknowledgement. Ali supports CEO’s, MD’s and those progressing professionally. Ali also feels that in many businesses today staff are seen as a cost rather than an asset and the Human Element of the business can be overlooked. This can lead to low morale, productivity and ultimately low sales. Therefore, Ali is interested in working alongside individuals, teams and groups who need support to achieve and move forward.
Ali believes that her skill can only grow as she continues to learn from those she respects. She knows that for her to give the best of her ability to you she has a duty to keep researching and learning for herself, honing her old skills and gathering new ones.
Come and experience a workshop or retreat in Derbyshire and benefit from the peaceful suroundings, the learnings and the fun. And visiting the Peak District is stunning whatever the tme of year!
Certified Bioresance Practitioner accordinging to Paul Schmidt
Certified Hypnotherapist/Psychotherapist – Association of Curative Hypnotherapists
Certified Trainer of NLP – Neuro Energetics – John Overend & Julie Silverthorn –USA
Licensed Master Practitioner of NLP – Hexagon Training & Consultancy
Practitioner NLP – Bandler, Breen & McKenner
Certified Coach – Hexagon NLP Coaching & HNLP Coaching with Neuro Energetics
Licensed Practitioner of Hypnotherapy & advanced hypnotherapy – ACH – Sid Jacobson – Steven Gilligan
Practitioner of symbolic modelling & clean language – David Grove & The Developing Company
EFT [Emotional Freedom Technique] Practitioner stage 1 & 2 Energy Psychology
Practioner of Ask & Recieve Energy Psychology
Practitioner of AIT Energy Psychology
Practitioner of Bioresonance according to Paul Schimdt
Reiki Master
As one of her recent client’s said: Ali, it was, as before, a pleasure to meet with you yesterday. Don’t underestimate the difference you’ve made already, the changes have been more than you could imagine.
Peter, Commercial Director
Abigail is an experienced specialist working with children, young people and adults, many are Highly Sensitive People and Children. She works with those who find being in the world a struggle and who want to feel understood, heard and find their success in life. Everybody has the ability to create their life; they can learn to thrive, feel fulfilment, success and fully experience connection with others.
Abigail works face to face, online or telephone. If you would like to discuss and you’re curious to learn how Abigail might be able to support you then please get in touch.
Call or text 07855 702763 or send an email
One of Abigail’s recent clients said “I faced many challenges when I first came into contact with Abigail Plowright. I was faced with a very challenging home life with my two children. I also had problems communicating with my children and managing constructively their emotional outbursts. Furthermore, I had lost a lot of self-confidence in my own parenting skills and ability to communicate effectively with my children.